Ivan Stein's Websites

Ivan's BooksIvan's Other Media

Please Contact Ivan if you have interest or ability to help enhance, develop, translate or promote these websites for greater market access. If you find these websites worthy, please support Ivan's efforts by clicking on your favorite social network share buttons at the top of this page. Click here for a copy of Ivan's Body of Work in PDF Format

Ivan Stein Body of Work - Ivan Stein's Personal Website VISIT WEBSITE

Website #1

Title: “Ivan W. Stein”

“Tools for Elevating Awareness”

URL: http://ivanstein.com (net & org)

STATUS: Completed June 2013

SYNOPSIS: In addition to biographical information on Ivan Stein, this website contains information about his various projects, organizations, personal services and other multimedia works including his: books, DVD, video, audio, radio show, reality TV, websites, etc. This site includes the ability to schedule personal appointments with Ivan, inquire about group events, and a portal to purchase Ivan's books, videos, workshops, seminars, and counseling services. Contact Ivan

Ivan Stein Body of Work - Sustainable Living Academy Website VISIT WEBSITE

Website #2

Title: “Sustainable Living Academy”

“Building A Sustainable Future”

URL: http://sustainablelivingacademy.org (com & net)

STATUS: Completed February 2014

SYNOPSIS: Sustainable Living Academy is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation whose mission is to help groups and communities achieve greater sustainability in the areas of housing, food, energy, health, self-sustainability, and community building. The foundation charter is to Elevate, Educate and Participate. The nonprofit will elevate public attention to the sustainable movement through its multimedia programs that includes the creation of a Sustainable Reality TV Show. This TV show is designed to deliver sustainable practices into peoples hearts and homes through mainstream media. Other programs include: Sustainable Boot Camp, Community Gardens, Sustainable Training Center and Sustainable Living Encyclopedia. These programs are designed to provide access to free lectures, material and hands on experiences that will help people applying more sustainable solutions in their homes and communities. The organization solicits donations through a variety of fund raising venues including online secure services. Contact Ivan

Ivan Stein Body of Work - Project TriStar Conscious Sustainable Community Website VISIT WEBSITE

Website #3

Title: “Project TriStar”

“A Model for Sustainable Community Design”

URL: http://projecttristar.com (net & org)

STATUS: Completed June 2010

SYNOPSIS: Project TriStar is a model for off-grid sustainable community lifestyle that is based on natural and universal laws. This blueprint provides one perspective on the combination of sustainable and community objectives including: housing, food production, governance, common vision, work assignments, health, artisan, fabrication, education, etc. This website provides an outline of a community lifestyle and objectives that provide a safe, peaceful, and spiritual living environment for those who understand the importance and necessity for becoming more sustainable. Their goal is to provide access to a community that is based on concepts that are revolutionary and evolutionary in the world of future communities and a blueprint for others who may be working to create their own community. Contact Ivan

Ivan Stein Body of Work - Timeline To The Future Website VISIT WEBSITE

Website #4

Title: “Timeline To The Future”

“A Balanced View on History, Science, and Consciousness”

URL: http://timelinetothefuture.com (net & org)

STATUS: Completed July 2009

SYNOPSIS: Timeline To The Future provides truthful and scientific information related to the theoretical and practical science related to natural and man-made events of our past, present and possible future. This site contains over 20 years of research and correlation between data from a variety of disciplines including: geology, archeology, astronomy, physics, ancient records, systemic design and human nature. It attempts to sort through the information overload and to provide some rational and sound perspectives on such topics as: social economic change, geological changes, and cosmic influences. Their goal is to awaken people to these realities and to assist them in understanding the possible consequences. Contact Ivan

Ivan Stein Body of Work - Alkaline For Optimal Health Website VISIT WEBSITE

Website #5

Title: “Alkaline For Optimal Health”

“Helping People Achieve Sustainable Health”

URL: http://alkalinewaterdepot.com (net & org)

STATUS: Complete redesign Nov 2012

SYNOPSIS: Alkaline For Optimal Health is dedicated to helping people learn how to achieve optimal health by simple changing what they eat and drink. This site provides a wealth of information about the primary cause of illness and disease in the body, what most anyone can do to improve their health naturally and dietary recommendations that can be customized to each individual. This website is designed to help people shift from an unsustainable global reliance on prescription medications and the medical establishment to a lifestyle that enables them to achieve optimal health through a greater understanding of how diet and lifestyle affects the human body. Contact Ivan

Ivan Stein Body of Work - Angel Gathering Website VISIT WEBSITE

Website #6

Title: “Angel Gathering”

“A Quantum Alignment With The Angelic Realm”

URL: http://angelgathering.com

STATUS: Completed January 2007

SYNOPSIS: Angel Gatherings are powerful, empowering, uplifting, spiritual, quantum event that have been inspired by the book "On The Wings of Heaven, by Joe Crane" and the teachings of Archangel Michael. This website describes the angel gathering process, the sacred geometry used to open a portal (greater connection) to the angelic realm and how to create or become part of an angel gathering event. Participants come together to stand in a sacred geometrical pattern known as "THE WELL OF SOULS". These events provide the opportunity to realign your spiritual DNA with the essence of the Divine and reconnect your spiritual DNA with your physical DNA. Contact Ivan

Click Here for Ivan's Body of Work in PDF format.