TriStar Media Group
Mission & Vision
MISSION: To utilize creative production, marketing and distribution techniques to achieve mass market access for a variety of websites, books, videos and social media. To promote information and tools for elevating conscious awareness.
VISION: To help shift conscious understanding on the importance of the inner journey of self-realization, the outer journey of sustainability and the eternal journey of oneness. To provide personal perspectives that may inspire others into new realizations.
Project Overview
Book Publishing
Over the past few years, Ivan has been diligent and productive in his efforts to share what he has learned with the masses. This has resulted in the creation of seven books in various stages of writing and editing for eventual publishing. These books include: two on his spiritual work, two on creating and evaluating sustainable community, two on the current state of social and global change and one as an accumulation of over 250 questions that Ivan has answered over the years. TriStar Media Group is tasked with the responsibility to coordinate the agent, publishing and distribution relationships for his books. For a list of the books, their synopsis, and current status, please review Ivan’s Body of Work get involved
Speaking Engagements
From the time Ivan realized his life purpose and mission, he began sharing what he has learning with others. Like a moth into a butterfly, Ivan developed his speaking ability to engage, support and inspire others to question everything, answer their own questions and realize what they may not yet see. He is known as an articulate speaker who has the uncanny ability to shed a light of clarity on what is often considered confusing and chaotic. People have commented that "Ivan’s knowledge and wisdom are uniquely profound and need to be made available to the masses". TriStar Media Group is tasked with the responsibility to coordinate Ivan's public speaking activities. Click here to view Ivan’s Media Kit get involved
Video and DVD Production
Video is now the media of choice for online entertainment, presentations and education. Ever since Ivan began speaking in public, he has been aware of the importance of recording his presentations to share his efforts with a greater audience. With the help of some talented people, Ivan has produced, edited, uploaded, and mastered several of his presentations. Through his YouTube channels, Ivan has received more than 5 million views of his videos without any direct market efforts. TriStar Media Group is tasked with the responsibility to produce video related to Ivan’s projects and upload, master and market these works to support mass distribution. Click here to view Ivan’s Videos and DVD's get involved
Personal Counseling
Ivan is known for his gifts as a teacher, counselor and lecturer. He provides a variety of services including: Spiritual & Life Coaching, Relationship Counseling, Dietary & Optimal Health, and Meditation Mastery. Clients routinely remark that "Ivan's explanations helped to clear the confusion after years of personal development work” and launching them on paths of accelerated personal growth. He is well known for his ability to see the meaning in every experience you have, a gift that has enabled him to help people around the world through remote personal and spiritual consultations. TriStar Media Group is tasked with the responsibility to coordinate individual and group counseling activities on Ivan’s behalf. Click here to learn more about Ivan’s bio, services, fees and schedule. Services get involved
Website Development
An accomplished businessman and entrepreneur with 25 yrs experience in technology and computers, Ivan has gained tremendous knowledge in the art of applying technology to support his humanitarian and sustainability efforts. This has lead to his ability to manage hosting serves, website development and graphic design. These skills have enabled Ivan to develop his own websites, however, he has come to realize that his time is better utilized as creative visionary, artistic director, writer, editor, counselor and speaker. TriStar Media Group is tasked with the responsibility to manage Ivan’s ongoing website development efforts. Click here to view Ivan’s Body of Work get involved
Media Distribution
In this age of viral videos, social networking, blogging and creating a global presentation, the tasks of media distribution and marketing can often be overlooked. Media marketing today requires linking and cross marketing between the various forms of digital media with other more classic media such as books and DVD's in order to reach a mass audience. TriStar Media Group is tasked with the responsibility to coordinate the mass media distribution and marketing efforts for Ivan’s projects and publications. Click here to view Ivan’s Body of Work get involved