Ivan offers a variety of workshops, seminars, and personal services to support you in your pursuit of a greater understanding of yourself, your experiences, your path and the world we live in. Please feel free to read more about these services, Join My Mailing List to hear about upcoming events and specials or Contact Ivan to book a session, discuss upcoming events or just to make contact. Click here to find out what my clients say about their experience.Client Testimonials
Personal Counseling helps you achieve greater clarity and inner peace in everyday life. The approach is to gain perspective and tools that help you identify and transform limiting patterns while developing and reinforcing patterns that shift and move you forward. This process will help you transition through challenging life experiences or feelings of confusion by understanding how and why events are manifesting in your life. Through this process, you will gain the wisdom, tools and confidence to overcome current and future life challenges...Read More
Life Coaching helps you achieve specific life objectives. The approach is to focus your strengths, values, and mindful awareness into actions that create positive movement in the direction of your choosing. The Life Coach assists you in developing the mindset, skills and direction to overcome obstacles and help you create the desired change...Read More
Workshops & Seminars provide a forum to introduce new concepts and tools or to expand on existing knowledge. Depending on the topic, these events can be individual or shared processes in a nurturing and mutually supportive environment. They provide a personalized and focused environment for an intensive experience in a specific discipline or teaching. They can run anywhere from 1 hour to multiple days depending on the depth of topics that may include: Self-Realization, Meditation Mastery and Experiential Processing...Read More
Other Engagements are provided as an opportunity to have Ivan speak before small or large groups on any material related to his various knowledge and expertise. These can be custom designed for introduction to a variety of topics, in-depth discussion on a single topic or anything in between. The venue can be public or private residence with an open or closed forum for questions and answers during or at the end of a presentation. Please review Ivan's Projects, Body of Work ...Read More