Sustainable University • Sustainable Community • Sustainable Reality TV • Organic Food Co-op
Sustainable Living Academy, Inc.
501(c)(3) Non-Profit Status - APPROVED
Mission & Vision
MISSION: Sustainable Living Academy helps prevent the further abuse of natural resources by providing access to sustainable education, training and hands-on experiences that promote a greater use of sustainable practices in our daily lives.
VISION: Sustainable Living Academy aspires to turn compassion into action by making sustainable living practices more accessible and enjoyable through creative media, programs and applications that inspire people to become more mindful of their lifestyle choices.
Project Overview
Sustainable Boot Camp
Our Sustainable Boot Camp program offers the opportunity to become fully immersed in a sustainable lifestyle for periods ranging from days, weeks or months at a time. With this program, participants can take time away from their normal or conventional lifestyle to experience living in a sustainable environment. Our Sustainable Boot Camp Immersion Experiences requires on-site participation at our nonprofit headquarters located in Sarasota, Florida. Participation in this program is FREE of charge and requires a personal commitment by the attendee for a predefined period of days or weeks to live and work at the Sustainable Living Academy premises. We offer 3 programs of sustainable living immersion to match the participant’s background and desired experience. Those interested in participating must complete an online application and interview with one of our boot camp staff members. read more
Community Gardens Program
Our Community Gardens program provides the resources, manpower and oversight to establish gardens throughout the community. Local residents are organized to participate in the garden project while learning everything they may need to build, plant, harvest and maintain the garden with as a community. These gardens provide greater access to fresh fruits and vegetables for local families while nurturing sustainable responsibility. In order to give access to as many people as possible, this program can be replicated for as long as space is made available to set up new gardens. To facilitate garden planning, Sustainable Living Academy works with neighborhood residents to determine the best locations and then works with local and municipal agencies to gain rights to access the property. This program includes the creation of gardens that provide access to children in K-12 schools and those with special needs such as the disabled and elderly. read more
Sustainable Training Center
Our Sustainable Training Center provides free public access to classes, presentations, literature and hands-on activities to all those who wish to learn more about sustainable living. These events are currently conducted at our facility located in Sarasota, Florida, as well as through other public speaking venues. Attendance is free and available to children, adults, entire families and community groups. Through this program, Sustainable Living Academy offers a full range of online and locally organized speaking engagements to help individuals and groups acquire the knowledge and support to implement sustainable practices for their home, family, business or community. The training center provides access to: books, videos and classes for introduction, demonstration, and hands-on instruction on a variety of sustainable topics. read more
Sustainable Reality TV Show
Our Sustainable Reality TV Program provides access to sustainable challenges, solutions and applications using entertainment as a vehicle to gain greater exposure to the mass media and general public. The intent of this program is to help people access sustainable information in the privacy of their homes through public media broadcasting. This program is designed to elevate the interest and support for sustainable living by delivering real-life sustainable challenges and solutions into the homes and hearts of the largest audience possible. Initial shows may be aired through this website, YouTube and other video portals until the production network syndication options become available. read more
Sustainable Living Encyclopedia
Free access to comprehensive literature is the surest method for getting sustainable information into the hands of the most people possible. There are any number of existing books and articles that are devoted entirely to achieving sustainable objective (i.e. housing, urban gardening, etc.). In addition to creating easy to follow informational and instructional brochures and pamphlets, one directive of the foundation is to create a multi-volume Sustainable Living Encyclopedia. This collection includes everything someone might need to know in order to evaluate the sustainable options in relation to their sustainable objectives including the pros and cons for virtually every possible sustainable application in relation to geographic location, climate and access to resources. read more