Personal Counseling
Life Coaching Services • Workshops & Seminars • What is Self-Realization?

Personal Counseling helps you achieve greater clarity and inner peace in everyday life. The approach is to gain perspective and tools that help you identify and transform limiting patterns while developing and reinforcing patterns that shift and move you forward. This process will help you transition through challenging life experiences or feelings of confusion by understanding how and why events are manifesting in your life. Through this process, you will gain the wisdom, tools and confidence to overcome current and future life challenges.
About My Counseling
With over 30 years of experience as a personal counselor, I have gained the ability to quickly identify the root cause for why you have attracted an experience and why your efforts may not be manifesting the result you hoped. Once the pattern for your experience is revealed, I provide techniques to help you process through your challenge. For every technique I offer, I can provide examples of applying the same technique in my own life. Clients have credited my work for shifting them through life long and repetitive challenges. Read what other clients say about my services. Client Testimonials
My counseling experience allows me to help you see and adjust any thoughts, words or actions that attracted a challenging experience so you can move forward without repeating it. Through these sessions, you will gain the wisdom and tools to process your future challenges on your own with confidence. For more information about the spiritual teachings I apply in my sessions, please read my description on Self-Realization
If you would like to schedule your Initial Session, or if you have any questions about my Personal Counseling or Life Coaching services, please send me a message give me a call +1 941-993-8087, or join my mailing list to hear about upcoming events and specials. I answer my own e-mail and phone, and will keep your information confidential.
With Infinite Love and Gratitude!
Session Options & Fees
There are no specific guidelines on how long a counseling relationship should last. My personal feeling is that shorter is better. I actually love when clients develop the ability to process their life challenges with less outside support. Absolutely no obligation or strings attached. This is simply a commitment to yourself so, commit for as long as you like.
Initial Session: $35.00 $20.00 ($15 discount) (75 minutes). This gives us time to discuss your background and start working on your first objective.
Working Sessions: $35.00 (60 minutes). Multiple sessions can be used back-to-back when scheduled in advance.
Spot Calls: $10.00 (15 minutes). These are often used for immediate decisions, experience clarification, and accountability questions.
Bulk Working Sessions: (60 minutes each). Bulk sessions are non-refundable so, please make sure you are comfortable with my coaching style before purchasing.
5 Sessions: $30.00 each; Total=$150 ($25 discount)
10 Sessions: $25.00 each; Total=$250 ($100 discount)
$20 GIFT VOUCHER with every REFERRAL! Apply it towards your own session or gift it towards the Initial Session for a friend!
Schedule and Billing
Sessions can be conducted in person, by telephone or by audio and video services such as Skype. The advantages of telephone and Skype include greater flexibility in scheduling, travel, and other time constraints. Session fees remain the same for each option. After our Initial Session, I will send you a "Counseling Agreement". Once signed and returned, we can move forward with other sessions.
Please know that individual needs are honored; we will design a counseling schedule together.
Telephone: 941-993-8087
Skype: IvanWStein
Sessions can be transferred or gifted to another person with prior approval. Please contact Ivan if you wish to transfer any sessions. Cancellation Policy is 24 hours in advance from the time of the scheduled appointment.
Session can be purchased using Credit Card or PayPal through a Secure PayPal Connection by clicking on the below links. Payments by Checks or Money Orders should be sent to my Mailing Address. Under certain circumstances, Session payments can be processed through e-mail after the session. Bulk Session packages must be paid in full prior to use.
Sorry, no medical insurance accepted.
NOTE: Please be aware that the confidentiality of non-encrypted e-mail and cell phone conversations cannot be 100% guaranteed from hackers, scanners, and the like. Also, if you are seeking emergency services, please call 911 or go to your nearest hospital emergency room.