What is Self-Realization?
Self-Realization Material • Workshops & Seminars • Coaching & Counseling
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Self-Realization is a process that exists on every level of consciousness and can be defined most simply as the perpetual application of the Law of Attraction. It's the awareness that our thoughts manifest our experiences which reveal what we still need to heal in order to align more closely with Divine Intelligence. Each moment of greater alignment results in greater wisdom which then transforms our thoughts and manifests into new experiences and the process continues. There may be many ways to describe this process, however, I hope a picture is really worth a thousand words and this diagram provides some clarity. (Click on different areas of the diagram to reveal more detailed descriptions of each step.)
My spiritual work titled A Path to Self-Realization provides a refreshing perspective on how to see, understand and interpret this process in every experience. It's the foundation for my personal development and the perspective that I apply in my Personal Counseling Sessions.Testimonials
Thoughts Manifest Experiences

Acts of creation begin with a thought or what might be considered intent. Your intent is then expressed through the sum of your thoughts, words and actions. Your expression is continuously broadcast through time and space into Divine Intelligence. In response, Divine Intelligence provides experiences that help you evolve beyond your limited beliefs and any distortions from the purity of oneness and universal consciousness. Your experiences reflect what you have already learned and provide challenges to reveal what you still need to learn. (The red color of this step represents the first chakra and the physical experiences that manifests by applying your thoughts, words and actions)...Read More
Experiences Reveal Distortions

Life experiences reflect what you have already healed and what you have not yet healed. Distortions are simple deviations from your authentic self and are revealed through your experiences as unauthentic thoughts, words and actions. Whether subtle or obvious, your ability to see your own distortions is determined by your level of self-awareness and your skills of self-observation. Those who are not able to see their own distortions might seek professional counseling, advice from friends or simply ignore their experiences all together. Your specific distortion will indicate what knowledge or tools you need to acquire in order to heal the distortion. (The orange color of this step represents the second chakra and the awareness that distortions are emotional attachments to fear, denial, pain or trauma that are revealed through your experiences)...Read More
Knowledge Heals Distortions

To heal a distortion from your authentic self, you must acquire knowledge in any form of intuition, literature, tools and perspectives. You must choose to expend the energy and effort to acquire this knowledge and then make the decision on how and when to apply the knowledge. The duration from acquisition, to application, to actual healing depends on many factors including: the depth of your distortion, challenges and stresses in your daily environment and your willingness to release your attachment to old patterns. (The yellow color of this step represents the third chakra and the choices and decisions to seek intellectual information in the form of tools and knowledge to help you heal your distortions)...Read More
Healing Aligns with Divine Intelligence

Healing occurs by applying the knowledge you have acquired until you no longer exhibit the distorted behavior through your thoughts, words and actions. Healing a distortion requires an awareness of your actions through self-observation and objective self-evaluation. When a distortion is healed, you have removed another obstacle from your ability to experience a greater connection and alignment with universal oneness and Divine Intelligence. What you receive from this greater alignment is in direct proportion to the pattern that you healed and the effort you applied to heal it. (The green color of this step represents the fourth chakra and the understanding that you gain by healing your distortion and aligning more closely with Divine Intelligence)...Read More
Alignment Increases Wisdom

Wisdom is received by applying knowledge through your experiences until you have transformed it into a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you. It simply means that you are wiser after you have healed a distortion than you were before it. It does not mean that you will never make a mistake or have a similar experience that reveals a deeper form of the distortion. It means that you have created a shift in consciousness that you are now able to maintain from that moment forward. The healing process can be revealed in layers that delve deeper and deeper into the root cause of your distortion. (The blue color of this step represents the fifth chakra and the wisdom that is received by healing your distortion and aligning your consciousness more closely with the purity of Divine Intelligence)...Read More
Wisdom Reflects in Thoughts