Personal Counseling • Life Coaching Services
After years of learning and practicing spiritual techniques, I was confused about which teachings actually work. Ivan`s wisdom is a breath of fresh air that helped me cut through my confusion. His teachings led me to a freedom from anxiety about my challenges, direction and purpose. I am forever grateful!
Emilia Zavodszki
Sarasota, Florida, USA
In just a few sessions, Ivan has helped me learn so much about myself that I can now use to grow and heal as fast as I want. He has a true gift to see into the heart of issues and knows exactly how to help me work through them. It’s such a wonderful feeling to see my authentic self blossom!
Lisa Zempel
Patient Access Specialist
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Ivan’s teachings and spiritual insights have become a significant turning point in my life. I now see all my experiences as opportunities to heal my past and transform my challenges for a more positive future. I’m finally gaining the tools to heal my own issues! Ivan, you are a remarkable soul!
Elke Ramsay
Marketing Director
Victoria, Australia
For years my life seemed like a dense forest with no way out. Ivan’s teachings and guidance have helped me clear the forest and see my challenges, worries and experiences as tremendous opportunities to grow and heal. His wisdom has provided a beautiful light at the end of the tunnel.
Thank you Ivan!
Peter Varsanyi
Independent Contractor
Sarasota, Florida, USA
Ivan’s gift of listening is matched by his loving awareness and the wisdom he offers. His insights have helped me heal my limiting thoughts, become more authentic in my expression and gain a clearer understanding of my experiences. This work has lifted a huge weight from my heart!
What a fantastic feeling!!
Charlene Alfrey
Medical Training Specialist
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
With each conversation, Ivan helps me see how I attract my experiences, what they are showing me and how to move forward with greater joy and confidence. His gifts of clarity and perception continue to amaze me! My life has been transformed into a peaceful warrior after a lifetime of fighting against myself.
Evan Wilson
New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Ivan’s teachings have cleared the confusion that I’ve felt after years of personal development work. What a powerful gift you have given me! I now trust in my divine path and have the confidence to create the life I want!
Amber Sam
Holistic Wellness Therapist
Memphis, Tennessee, USA