Other Speaking Engagements
Personal Counseling • Life Coaching Services • Workshops & Seminars

Other Speaking Engagements are provided as an opportunity to have Ivan speak before small or large groups on any material related to his various knowledge and expertise. These can be custom designed for introduction to a variety of topics, in-depth discussion on a single topic or anything in between. The venue can be public or private residence with an open or closed forum for questions and answers during or at the end of a presentation. Please review Ivan's Projects, Body of Work.
About My Speaking Engagements
Through my inner journey, work in the physical world and a tremendous amount of research in my spare time, I have acquired a vast amount of information on a variety of current event topics. These topics include: my spiritual work and teachings entitled "A Path to Self-Realization", personal and global sustainability, choosing or creating a sustainable community, achieving sustainable optimal health through an alkaline lifestyle and any number of topics related to cosmic, geological, and social economic changes.
Due to the increasing interest in these topics, they are becoming more common on ever level of mainstream media, personal and group conversations. Many people are speaking on these topics publicly and there are literally millions of websites, however, people often say they are still seeking the information necessary to make practical and informed decisions about what they are learning.
This is exactly where I can help you. Those who have listened to my YouTube videos, Realms of Reality Radio Show, or heard me in private or public lectures know that I have the ability to provide the depth and details on any of these topics that can clear the clouds of confusion and provide you with the ability to make informed decisions. No matter what the topic, I'm sure that I will provide information and facts that you will find new and refreshing.
The format and location of these speaking engagements is more flexible than my Workshops & Seminars in order to give you the opportunity to custom tailor a presentation that focuses on the interests of your group or close circle of friends. Rates for such events depend on location, duration and venue. Please feel free to Request an Event with your interest in a private or local speaking engagement. For more on my personal journey and background, please read my description of Self-Realization or my experience with meditation and life challenges through my Personal Introduction or Biography
Please review Ivan's Projects, Body of Work . Please refer to the Events Calendar for dates, descriptions and locations for Ivan's upcoming events.
With Infinite Love and Gratitude!